Welcome to MPS web pay, our convenient online payment system.

We do NOT share your user information with other entities.

MPS Parents please read information below 

MPS Parents

If you are an MPS Parent, we have already assigned you a Username and Password.  Do Not create a Guest Account.  Your username/password is NOT the same as your Parent Portal (Vue) username/password. To obtain your username, sign into your Parent Portal account and locate the 8-9 digit Adult Id.  The Adult Id is your username.  Your password is your last name up to the first 8 characters.  The first letter is capitalized; the rest of the letters are lowercase unless you have a hyphenated name or 2 letters in your last name that are typically capitalized, i.e. LeFranco 

MPS Parents must use their assigned Username and Password to make payments and/or donations. Do NOT create a Guest Account.



If you are NOT an MPS Parent, please create a Guest Account.  Student fees and fines for students enrolled in an MPS school CANNOT be paid through a Guest Account. MPS parents - see instructions above for MPS Parents.



Need help?

  • Do you need help with your Username and Password? MPS Parents, read info to the left for MPS Parents.  Guests will need to create a Guest Account (see info to the left).
  • Having trouble locating an item? After you sign in and click on a name - Use the Search tab.  For example, type myv in the search field to find Mesa Youth Volleyball.
  • MPS Parents - If you have trouble signing in after reading the information to the left, email us: your name, your 8-9 digit username, and the name(s) of your child(ren).  These and other questions can be emailed to:


Please Note

Processing fees may apply when paying online

The ECA tax credit is limited to $200 for single individuals and $400 for married couples per calendar year

ECA donations are non-refundable and non-transferable

There are no processing fees when making ECA donations online



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