MPS Parents
If you are an MPS Parent, we have already assigned you a Username and Password. Do Not create a Guest Account. Your username/password is NOT the same as your Parent Portal (Vue) username/password. To obtain your username, sign into your Parent Portal account and locate the 8-9 digit Adult Id. The Adult Id is your username. Your password is your last name up to the first 8 characters. The first letter is capitalized; the rest of the letters are lowercase unless you have a hyphenated name or 2 letters in your last name that are typically capitalized, i.e. LeFranco
MPS Parents must use their assigned Username and Password to make payments and/or donations. Do NOT create a Guest Account.
If you are NOT an MPS Parent, please create a Guest Account. Student fees and fines for students enrolled in an MPS school CANNOT be paid through a Guest Account. MPS parents - see instructions above for MPS Parents.
Need help?
- Do you need help with your Username and Password? MPS Parents, read info to the left for MPS Parents. Guests will need to create a Guest Account (see info to the left).
- Having trouble locating an item? After you sign in and click on a name - Use the Search tab. For example, type myv in the search field to find Mesa Youth Volleyball.
- MPS Parents - If you have trouble signing in after reading the information to the left, email us: your name, your 8-9 digit username, and the name(s) of your child(ren). These and other questions can be emailed to:
Please Note
Processing fees may apply when paying online
The ECA tax credit is limited to $200 for single individuals and $400 for married couples per calendar year
ECA donations are non-refundable and non-transferable
There are no processing fees when making ECA donations online
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